新闻 & 故事


你在考虑哪所大学适合你吗? Many high school students debate the advantages 和 disadvantages of a two-year versus a four-year school. 虽然这两种体验都带来了独特的价值, there's a compelling case for what a four-year college can provide. If you or your family have questions about the return on investment of a four-year commitment, 继续阅读. 虽然大学可能不是适合每个人的正确道路, here are the top reasons why many students commit to a four-year college.

1. 更高的收入潜力

A common thought when choosing a college is whether it’s worth the cost. 研究继续证明了这一点! Graduates with a four-year degree make more money than those with a two-year degree or a high school diploma. 事实上, 国家教育统计中心 表明,, 平均, people with a bachelor's degree make about 37% more than those with an associate degree.

That's a big difference, 和 it’s not just some groups that benefit. 如果你完成了四年的学位, 不分性别和种族, 赚更多钱的模式是正确的. 在一生中, 随着通货膨胀和加薪, this difference could easily amount to over a million-dollar difference in earnings.

Of course, what you choose to study 和 the debt you take on will play a role in the equation. 但如果你完成了四年的学位, 这样你就能获得更高的薪水和更稳定的工作, 尤其是在经济不稳定的时候. 从历史上看,那些拥有学士学位的人经历了一个 低失业率 比那些只有副学士学位的人. 最近一次是在2020年,当时失业率 速度的三倍 在美国.S.

2. 个人及专业发展

可以说, one of the best parts of college is the opportunity to learn more about yourself 和 your interests 和 to find the right career path. 事实上, 当很多人上大学的时候, they discover there are jobs 和 specialties they never even knew existed. College also provides exposure to diverse perspectives, cultures 和 concepts. You meet students from different backgrounds 和 engage in new ideas, broadening your horizons. 在攻读副学士学位时, students are frequently on a stricter timetable to pursue a specific career trajectory such as criminal justice or 护理. 正因为如此, there is often less room for trying new things or taking courses focused on discovery.

But even those who have a clear career goal starting college can benefit from the interpersonal skill development 和 intensive mastery that a four-year college offers. 例如, 在贝里学院, 护理 students must complete two years of liberal arts curriculum before they apply to the 护理 program.

卡洛琳里尔, 银河电子游戏网址平台医院护理部主任解释道, “The most appropriate course of undergraduate 护理 教育 is a liberal arts 教育. Nurses need to be well-rounded, 和 a four-year liberal arts 教育 provides this background. 在最初的几年里, 护理 students receive the prerequisites they need like anatomy, 生理学, 营养, 心理学与微生物学.”

Others in the field note that communication 和 writing courses give 护理 students confidence in their bedside manner 和 ability to clearly advise patients 和 families about their care. 经济学之类的课程, 心理学, sociology 和 political science grow critical thinkers 和 strong problem-solvers before students focus solely on 护理 content. In other words, the opportunity for more personal development sets students up to be 好奇的终身学习者.


3. 更多的课程选择,学位,网络和资源

在一般情况下, 四年制大学也有更多的专业和辅修选择, 这意味着有更多的职业选择. Four-year colleges also hire more professors or clinical experts with higher levels of knowledge 和 broad networks within their field. Beyond professors, four-year colleges have more alumni 和 a wider reach for internships. They also offer access to significant resources on campus including libraries, 研究机构, 技术和更多. The support systems for students in areas like academic success 和 career development also tend to be more robust.

超越传统课堂, 四年制大学有更多的人脉, 两者均可获得资金和规划 研究出国留学. So, 如果这些是你考虑上大学时优先考虑的活动, make sure to look at the options at the schools you are considering.

4. 重视学生生活

A two-year college offers benefits for students who need flexibility, but a four-year college is often a good fit for those who want to build community 和 strong friendships in college. Four-year colleges have stronger school traditions with more focus on helping students find a sense of 归属感. They also offer more organized student life opportunities such as more campus housing, 校园体育, 服务组织, 俱乐部和社交活动.



最后,考虑一下你大学的主要优先事项. 除了强大的学术, are you looking for a place that will connect you to professional development opportunities 和 a strong alumni network? What about campus work opportunities that give you transferable skills? 你将住在哪里?? 你怎么出行? 用餐有什么选择? As you list out your expectations, your decision-making process will become much clearer. Your preferences 和 goals will ultimately drive which college experience is right for you. And if you are looking for a place that will help you discover 和 cultivate your interests in a connected community of learners, 四年制大学可能是你最好的选择.

想了解更多关于大学申请流程的信息吗? 看看我们的博客, College 入学s 101: A Survival Guide to the Application Process.

